
Evolving Human Resources
Into Human Capital

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Promote Learning. Develop People. Meet Budgets.

With the Learning Management System you can ensure that your people have the required knowledge and certifications to excel in their jobs. It allows companies to develop and evolve the capabilities of their workforce, to acquire new competencies and to reskill their staff.

The LMS allows you to adapt training programs to individual needs, as well as align corporate objectives and available budgets and resources. You can create and manage an efficient, cost-effective learning culture in your workplace, based on identified personal and company needs.

Learning Management screen

Key Benefits of  Learning
  • Identifies learning needs: system recommendations for learning activities to close employee’s skills and competencies gaps
  • Streamlining the process: learning management including budget, courses, classes, equipment, trainers, schedules, participation request and approval, alerts on excessive participation and more
  • Measures success:  employee and manager feedback on competencies and expert knowledge leverage, learning progress measurement, the effectiveness of development investment  and other key performance indicators
  • Blended learning: create personalized learning portals for different types of learners / organizational units to enable sophisticated blended learning – tests, assessments, eLearning, instructor-led training, gamifications and more (optional module)
  • Empowers your people: Self-managing a personal development plan allows your workforce to select development activities that match identified training needs from a user-friendly catalog Improve employee engagement: Motivate your employees and secure their commitment by showing that you value them enough to invest in their future.

Working Together
The Learning Management System is a component of the Talent Management solution. Learning Management works alongside Performance Management and Skills & Competencies Management to map individual and organizational development needs against corporate objectives. Learning also complements Career and Succession Planning, helping you make better-informed decisions about promoting people into leadership roles.

Lumesse ETWeb1 Watch a short video and see how you can nurture and retain your employees and assist your organization in realizing its current and future business goals, with the Talent Management solutions.

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חבילה משולבת לחשבות שכר ופתרונות ניהול משאבי אנוש ונוכחות, לחברות עד 100 עובדים